• (972) 530-5999
  • 3421 Spectrum Boulevard, Suite 150, Richardson, TX 75082


Why Vaccinate?

Protecting Against Serious Diseases

In essence, vaccines have been meticulously developed and formulated to combat and mitigate the significant health risks associated with various diseases. To illustrate the importance of vaccination, let's delve into specific details regarding these vaccine-preventable illnesses.

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP): Diphtheria, characterized by the formation of a membranous coat in the tonsillar and pharynx region, can initially resemble a common upper respiratory infection with fever. However, in severe cases, it can lead to airway obstruction, paralysis, cardiac complications, and even death, with a mortality rate of 5-10%. Although the United States has seen a substantial decline in actual cases, global outbreaks persist, particularly in the former Soviet Union.

Tetanus, often associated with injuries like stepping on a rusty nail, can manifest in three forms: generalized, localized, and cephalic. Generalized tetanus involves severe muscular spasms and jaw locking, resulting in a 10% mortality rate. The neurotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani is responsible for the disease. The highly contagious pertussis, or whooping cough, may initially mimic a common cold but can lead to apnea, seizures, and death in infants. Data from the 1990s show a 1% case mortality rate for children under 2 months and less than 0.5% for infants between 2 months and 1 year. Adults, even if fully immunized as children, have experienced resurgence in pertussis cases due to waning immunity, posing a risk to infants not yet fully immunized. The "a" in DTaP signifies "acellular" and was introduced due to concerns about adverse reactions to the original DTP vaccine.

Polio: Polio was widespread before the introduction of the first vaccine over 50 years ago. Although many infected individuals remain asymptomatic, about 1% develop paralysis, which can lead to permanent disability and sometimes death. Two types of polio vaccines exist: oral and inactivated forms. The oral vaccine, an attenuated virus, is used in many parts of the world, whereas the inactivated form, injected, is primarily used in the United States.

Haemophilus Influenzae b (Hib): Infections caused by Hib encompass meningitis, pneumonia, and epiglottitis, an extremely severe throat condition. The Hib vaccine has been incredibly effective in preventing these infections, reducing invasive diseases by 99%.

Hepatitis B: This liver-damaging disease can lead to lifelong infection, cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure, and death. In infants, the primary concern is perinatal transmission during delivery, rather than in utero. Hence, pregnant women are tested for Hepatitis B status during pregnancy.

Pneumococcal Infections: The 13-serotype pneumococcal vaccine has successfully prevented various childhood illnesses, from ear and sinus infections to severe pneumonias and meningitis. Since its introduction in 2000, all invasive diseases caused by this bacterium have decreased by 80% in children under 2 years of age.

Rotavirus: Rotavirus, the leading cause of gastroenteritis or "stomach bugs" in children worldwide, is now preventable through oral vaccines. In the few years since their introduction, the U.S. has seen a significant reduction in cases, emergency room visits, and hospitalizations. Importantly, there has been no increased incidence of intussusception, a prior vaccine concern involving the telescoping of one part of the small intestine into another.

Varicella (Chickenpox): Chickenpox, marked by itchy skin lesions, fever, and overall discomfort, was highly contagious, often spreading by mere proximity. Complications included hospitalization, encephalitis, and death in children. Newborns were also at risk if their mothers contracted chickenpox shortly before or after giving birth. Since the introduction of the vaccine in the mid-1990s, these concerns have significantly diminished.

Hepatitis A: Although typically a self-limited illness with symptoms like poor appetite, jaundice, fever, and general malaise, it can affect up to 30% of children under 6 years of age. Severe acute liver failure is rare, with a case-fatality rate of about 0.5%, and it does not lead to chronic liver disease. Transmission occurs primarily through the fecal-oral route, with an incubation period of approximately 28 days.

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR): Measles presents with fever, rash, cough, runny nose, and specific mouth lesions known as Koplik spots. Complications include encephalitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), and death. Mumps results in salivary gland swelling, particularly in the parotid glands, leading to hearing deficits, neurological issues, and orchitis. Rubella symptoms are usually mild, including rash, swollen lymph nodes, and low-grade fever. The main concern with rubella is when pregnant women contract the virus, potentially causing miscarriage, fetal death, or congenital rubella syndrome with various birth defects.

Meningococcal Disease: Meningococcal disease is associated with severe bloodstream infections, meningitis, or a combination of both. It can lead to limb loss, neurological deficits, or death, with rapid disease progression often occurring. Dormitories, military barracks, and summer camps present environments conducive to the rapid spread of the disease among non-immunized individuals. Those with spleen disorders or specific immune system conditions are particularly vulnerable.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV): HPV includes numerous virus types, with types 16 and 18 responsible for approximately 70% of cervical cancer cases. Types 6 and 11 are linked to 90% of genital warts cases. Transmission occurs through genital sexual contact, with many infected individuals unaware of their status. Newborns can also contract genital HPV during delivery, leading to throat warts. In the United States, about 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. HPV vaccines, available in two- or three-dose schedules, protect against specific types of HPV. The vaccine is a remarkable advancement in preventing cancer, with no evidence of an increased Guillain-Barré syndrome incidence, even after millions of doses administered.

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Our Immunizations

In the realm of immunizations administered at the Pediatrics & Adolescents Clinic, a comprehensive selection of vaccines is offered to address various stages of a child's development:

For Infants and Young Toddlers:

  1. Vaxneuvance (Pneumococcal disease): A pneumococcal vaccine designed to protect against 15 distinct strains of the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium.
  2. Rotateq (Rotavirus): An immunization formulated to safeguard against rotavirus gastroenteritis, targeting four different strains of the virus.
  3. Pentacel: A combination vaccine that encompasses Diphtheria, Pertussis (commonly known as whooping cough), and tetanus (DTaP), in addition to polio, and Haemophilus influenzae (Hib).
  4. Engerix-B (Hepatitis B): A vaccine engineered to prevent Hepatitis B.
  5. Havrix (Hepatitis A): An immunization to prevent Hepatitis A.
  6. ActHib (Hib): An individual vaccine specifically designed for Haemophilus influenzae, commonly administered as the final booster for this bacterium.
  7. Daptacel (DTaP): An individual vaccine tailored for DTaP, typically administered as the fourth booster within this age range.
  8. Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): A combination vaccine that offers protection against these three viruses.
  9. Varivax (Chickenpox): A vaccine intended to safeguard against chickenpox.

Kindergarten Years and Beyond (Commencing at 4 years of age):

  1. MMR: The second dose of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine.
  2. Varivax: The second dose of the Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.
  3. Daptacel: A final booster for Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus (DTaP).
  4. IPV (Polio): An individual vaccine for polio, representing the concluding booster in the series.
  5. Quadracel (DTaP and IPV) or Daptacel and IPV individually.


Tween and Teen Years:

  1. Adacel (Tdap): A vaccine providing coverage against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, offering a similar safeguard as Daptacel.
  2. Menquadfi (Meningococcal disease): An immunization intended to prevent severe cases of meningococcal disease stemming from Neisseria meningitidis, encompassing meningitis and covering Groups A, C, Y, and W-135 of this bacterium.
  3. Gardasil (Human papillomavirus): The primary and sole vaccine presently available for the prevention of cancer caused by the human papillomavirus.
  4. Bexsero (Meningococcal disease): A supplementary vaccine designed to protect against serious meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis, specifically targeting Group B strains of this bacterium.

It is imperative to note that at Pediatrics & Adolescents Clinic, we maintain an ongoing commitment to assessing the safety and comprehensiveness of the immunizations we offer, with the paramount objective of providing optimal protection and care for your children.

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Vaccination FAQs

In addressing frequently asked questions concerning vaccinations, our focus largely centers around the concerns related to autism and other developmental disorders. While the majority of the FAQs provided below pertain to this topic, we remain open to discussing any other queries you may have at Pediatrics & Adolescents Clinic.

Question: Have the healthcare professionals at Pediatrics & Adolescents Clinic vaccinated their own children? Certainly. We, as healthcare providers, firmly believe that vaccinations play a crucial role in fostering the health and well-being of children.

Question: I'm familiar with the traditional immunization schedule, but are there any alternative schedules to consider? At Pediatrics & Adolescents Clinic, our unwavering belief in the benefits of vaccination is complemented by our desire to address parental concerns. We encourage open dialogue and invite parents to share their questions and apprehensions regarding vaccination schedules so that we can engage in a constructive discussion.

Question: Autism appears to be on the rise. What could be contributing to this phenomenon? The increase in autism diagnoses poses questions that prompt us to delve into the following aspects:

  1. Displacement of Diagnoses: Historically, previous generations witnessed numerous children being diagnosed with conditions like mental retardation, schizophrenia, or other psychiatric disorders. In recent years, many of these same individuals have been diagnosed with severe autism, effectively replacing one diagnosis with another. The shift can be attributed to changes in diagnostic criteria and awareness. For example, the inclusion of autism as an eligible diagnosis for educational services in 1991, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), led to a subsequent increase in autism diagnoses.
  2. Evolving Diagnostic Criteria: The definition of autism has evolved over time. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the authoritative guide for psychiatric disorders, did not initially include autism as a distinct disorder. It wasn't until 1980 that criteria for diagnosing autism were first introduced in the DSM. Furthermore, the definition of autism expanded in 1994 with the addition of several related disorders, such as Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), PDD-NOS (not otherwise specified), Asperger's Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Rett's Disorder. These expanded criteria encompassed more children under the autism spectrum, leading to a higher prevalence of autism diagnoses.
  3. Better Awareness and Early Diagnosis: Increased awareness and proactive efforts have improved the identification of autism. Previously, children were often diagnosed with autism after the age of five or six. Today, autism can be diagnosed as early as 18 months, which results in a larger pool of diagnosed cases.
  4. International Variations: While the U.S. and the United Kingdom are often cited for their high autism rates, this can be attributed to their extensive research and studies on autism. The growing awareness and surveillance of autism are now extending to other countries. For example, in South Korea, children diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) are equivalent to those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the U.S. This suggests that the number of reported autism cases may increase in other regions once the relationship between these diagnoses is established.
  5. Prevalence vs. Incidence: The distinction between prevalence and incidence is crucial. Prevalence studies estimate the overall rates of a condition in a population at a given point in time, while incidence studies determine the actual number of new cases over a specific time frame. Few studies have examined the incidence of autism, making it challenging to establish whether autism is genuinely experiencing an epidemic.
  6. Social Acceptance: The shift in social perception and understanding of autism has made parents more receptive to the diagnosis. Parents are no longer blamed for their child's condition, as they were in the past when autism was erroneously attributed to maternal behavior.
  7. Overdiagnosis and Misdiagnosis: With heightened awareness of autism, there may be instances of overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis, with some children potentially being labeled as autistic when they have other developmental or psychiatric disorders. This aspect adds complexity to the perception of an autism epidemic.

In essence, the rise in autism cases is a multifaceted issue, influenced by factors such as diagnostic criteria, awareness, and evolving societal attitudes.

Question: What are the possible causes of autism? While the exact causes of autism are not definitively identified, several primary suspects are considered:

  1. Genetics: Research indicates that genetic factors play a significant role in autism. Twin studies have demonstrated that if one identical twin has autism, the other twin is highly likely to be affected as well. Siblings of children with autism also have a heightened risk of developing an autistic disorder. Although the specific genes responsible for autism have not been fully determined, the X chromosome is a focal point of investigation, which may account for the higher prevalence of autism in males. Genetic mutations and abnormalities on autistic children's chromosomes further support the notion that autism results from a spectrum of genetic defects.
  2. Abnormal Brain Growth: Children with autism exhibit atypical patterns of brain development. Typically, babies are born with underdeveloped brains that mature and establish nerve connections (synapses). In a normally developing brain, synapse pruning occurs, allowing for optimal neural efficiency. However, autistic children experience deficiencies in this pruning process, which may be linked to abnormally rapid head growth during their first year of life, particularly in boys. Elevated levels of hormones like insulin-like growth factors in boys with autism could contribute to the increased head size, body mass index, and weight.
  3. Environmental Triggers: It is posited that environmental exposures during fetal development might influence abnormal brain development in genetically predisposed children. These exposures may occur during or shortly after conception, potentially impacting the brain at its most vulnerable stage (20-24 days after conception). The environmental theories include factors like flu exposure during pregnancy and folic acid levels in the father's sperm. Environmental toxins have also been studied, with umbilical cord blood in some regions containing a multitude of toxins. Vaccines were another focus of concern, particularly regarding the use of mercury (thimerosal) as a preservative in vaccines before 2001. However, rigorous scientific research has debunked this theory, and vaccines are not established as a cause of autism.
  4. Premature Birth: Research has indicated that premature babies born as early as 25-26 weeks of gestation have a 25% risk of developing an autism spectrum disorder.

In summary, the factors contributing to autism remain a subject of ongoing research. Genetic predisposition, abnormal brain growth, environmental influences, and premature birth are among the leading considerations, but a comprehensive understanding of autism's origins is yet to be achieved.

Question: Did mercury in vaccines lead to autism? No, scientific evidence overwhelmingly contradicts the claim that mercury in vaccines causes autism. The Institute of Medicine conducted an extensive four-year study, concluding in 2004, which determined that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines did not induce autism. Numerous reputable medical organizations at both national and international levels concur with this conclusion. Mercury preservatives, such as thimerosal, were phased out of routine childhood vaccines in the United States by 2001. However, autism diagnosis rates have continued to rise, debunking the association between thimerosal and autism.

Moreover, other countries like Denmark, Canada, and the European Union also eliminated mercury preservatives from vaccines and observed comparable upward trends in autism diagnoses. Research and expert consensus have consistently refuted the mercury-autism link. Notably, a study conducted in England, comparing children who received vaccines with mercury-containing preservatives to those who did not, found that the group receiving

Bottom line: Vaccines do not weaken the immune system, they boost it.

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