• (972) 530-5999
  • 3421 Spectrum Boulevard, Suite 150, Richardson, TX 75082


Visits 2½ to 10

Regular well-child care visits are essential for monitoring your child's growth, development, and overall health during early childhood. Here's what to expect during these well-child care visits:

  1. 2 ½-Year-Old Visit This visit is important for assessing your child's development and addressing any potential concerns early. Key milestones to look for include the ability to form simple word phrases and sentences, jumping with both feet off the floor, improving fine motor skills, and engaging in more social and interactive play. Toilet training and discipline discussions will be part of this visit, and the second Hepatitis A immunization may be administered.
  2. 3-Year-Old Annual Well-Child Care Visit By the age of 3, your child's communication skills should be impressive, with the ability to form mini-sentences and articulate well. They may demonstrate tricycle pedaling, drawing basic shapes, and mastering some self-care skills. This visit is an opportunity to discuss toilet training, preschool experiences, and assess overall growth and dietary habits. It includes a Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) test to check for visual concerns.
  3. 4-Year-Old Annual Well-Child Care Visit At this visit, children are reaching developmental milestones that may include recognizing colors, hopping forward, drawing shapes, and engaging in more complex play. It's also the beginning of the kindergarten vaccination process, a chance to address behavioral, dietary, and sleeping concerns, and it includes a VEP test and a urine sample.
  4. 5-Year-Old Annual Well-Child Care Visit Kindergarten is a significant milestone, and this visit addresses academic, social, and behavioral concerns. It covers dietary intake, completes kindergarten vaccinations, and includes a hemoglobin level check, cholesterol panel, and hearing screen.
  5. 6-10-Year-Old Annual Well-Child Care Visits These grade school well-child care visits help promote healthy habits for your child's future. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is closely monitored as a parameter for body proportions and fitness. Each visit includes a vision screen, a comprehensive physical exam, and discussion of school performance. Academic or behavioral issues are addressed, and appropriate treatments are recommended. Vaccines, including the seasonal flu vaccine, are typically up-to-date by this stage. The 10-year-old visit includes a hemoglobin check, cholesterol panel, and hearing screen.

These well-child care visits aim to ensure your child's health, development, and overall well-being during their early years and provide guidance for both parents and caregivers. Please feel free to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have during these visits.