Visits 11 and Older
As your child enters adolescence and beyond, well-child care visits continue to be an essential part of their healthcare. Here's what to expect during these visits:
- 11-15-Year-Old Annual Well-Child Visit These early teen well-child care visits are typically conducted when your adolescent is in middle to high school. The aim of these visits is to provide both you and your teenager with individual time to speak openly with the pediatrician. This allows for a comprehensive assessment and care of your emerging young adult.
During the visit, a complete physical exam is performed, and an extensive social and medical history is obtained. The pediatrician will closely monitor the Body Mass Index (BMI) to assess your adolescent's physical health. Vaccinations commonly administered at the 11-year-old visit include Menquadfi (meningitis shot), Adacel (tetanus and whooping cough booster shot), and Gardasil (human papillomavirus/cervical and penile cancer prevention shot). Additionally, cholesterol and hemoglobin levels are assessed, and a hearing screen is performed. These visits offer an opportunity to discuss any concerns and provide guidance as your teenager continues to grow.
- 16-18-Year-Old Annual Well-Child Visit These late teen well-child care visits typically coincide with your child's high school graduation. Similar to the earlier visits, both individual time with your teenager and a discussion with you, the parent, is maintained. These visits offer a comprehensive assessment of your young adult's health, addressing any specific concerns you may have.
Before your teenager graduates from high school, some routine laboratory testing may be conducted, as determined by your child's pediatrician. In addition, the visit may include receiving the second Menquadfi vaccine and the meningitis B vaccine (a two-vaccine series given one month apart). While these visits may mark the transition to young adulthood, rest assured that your child's pediatrician will continue to provide care and support well into the early college years.
These well-child care visits for adolescents aim to ensure your child's physical, emotional, and social well-being during these crucial years of development. They provide an opportunity for open communication and the necessary guidance to help your teenager transition into adulthood with confidence and good health.